Friday, March 01, 2024

March 1

 John Thomas was born in 1640 in Pembrokeshire, Wales.

He died 08 October 1729, age 89, in Kingston, Rhode Island.

Needless to say, I don't have any photographs of him. But I'm starting my post with him today because today is St. David's Day -- the national holiday of Wales. For some reason it gives me joy to have Welsh ancestors, even if I had to go back 500 years to find them. (Maybe latent memories of a past life there?) 

John's wife was named Abigail, and they had a son George, who was born in 1681. That's as far back as we've been able to trace the Thomas family lineage -- ten generations.

And... in honor of St. David's Day and my Welsh ancestors, I've finally finished organizing and publishing last year's blog posts in book form. (Kindle format. I haven't re-worked it for paperback yet.) It is actually two books, because there were too many pages to put it all in one book.

The Kindle version is now available on Amazon

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