Tuesday, December 26, 2023

On This Day in Family History - December 26

Ernestine Till was born 26 December 1879 in Russia

Isabel Matilda Carter married Thomas Ewing Cartee 26 December 1891

Guy Rufus Cartee was born 26 December 1892 in Missouri

Guy was the son of Matilda Carter Cartee (above)
He was born exactly one year after she married Thomas Cartee

John James Miller was born 26 December 1870 in Bangor, Michigan

Richard 'Sonny' Hiler died 26 December 2022, age 92

Ruby Foust Reed was born 26 December 1920

Ruby was the first wife of Elmer Reed

Theressa K Plume Walters died 26 December 2003, age 101

Photo: Theressa Walters on her 100th birthday

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