Saturday, December 16, 2023

On This Day in Family History - December 16

Edgar A Till was born 16 December 1910 in Michigan

Edgar was a brother of Leonard Till

Leonard was the husband of Madge Treat Till, sister of my grandmother Christie Treat Thomas

Esther Alice Parker was born 16 December 1875 in Ohio

Alice was a sister of my great-grandmother Massie Parker Treat

Frank Neil Yoakem was born 16 December 1930 in Ohio

Frank was the grandson of Estle Treat, brother of my great-grandfather Marcus Treat

Hilda Luvena Prothro Miller died 16 December 1967 age 66

Photo: Ruby and Arvil (Jack) Barnett, Luvena. 

Luvena was the wife of Arvil's half-brother Earl Barnett.

(I met her when I was 4 years old, and she was introduced to me as "Aint Looveenie" -- I never knew her real name, nor how she was related to us, until I started playing with the family history.)

Jason Alexander Murray was born 16 December 1996

Jason is the one on the left (I think), sons of Brandy Thomas Murray
Brandy is the daughter of my brother Rick Thomas and Bella Wisdom Thomas

Naomi Gail Carter was born 16 December 1938 in Arkansas

Naomi Gail was the daughter of Elmer Cleo Carter
Elmer's father John Martin Carter was a brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold
(That makes her my 2nd cousin twice removed... maybe LOL)

William G Thomas died 16 December 1945 age 82

William was a brother of my great-grandfather Charles Thomas

Ruben Smith Purtee died 16 December 1928 age 73

How is he related to us? Don't even ask.
All I know is the Purtees are related to the Herdmans, and one of the Herdmans married one of the Treats...

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