Thursday, December 14, 2023

On This Day in Family History - December 13

Dora Gibson married Thomas Patterson 13 December 1897

Photo: Dora Gibson and some of her siblings. I don't have a picture of Thomas Patterson.

Everett J Williams was born 13 December 1905

Everett was the husband of Odelcie Hicks. Odelcie was the daughter of Felix Hicks (brother of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks).

Ray Isaac Daugherty was born 13 December 1919

Ray was the husband of Eulene Carter.

Eulene's father, John Martin Carter was a brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.

Robert McDonald died 13 December 1981 age 69

Bob McDonald was the husband of Faun Herdman. Faun's mother, Belle, was a sister of my great-grandfather Marcus Treat. In this photo Bob and Faun are on the left, my grandparents Chris and Bill Thomas are on the right. I took this picture on one of many trips to Ohio to visit Grandma Thomas' relatives. We always stayed at Bob and Faun's house while we were there. Aunt Faun had the same birthday as me, and we stayed in touch through all the years until she died in 2002.

Leon Garrett married Luvena Cooper 13 December 1969

I don't have a picture of Leon's wife. This photo is of Leon and his half-sister Eva Jane Garrett.

I just have to tell you a story about this picture. But first I want you to click on the following link and listen to a funny story told by Wendy Bagwell (from an OLD record album that I used to listen to way back in the 1970s)...

If you don't click on the link and listen (that's okay) part of the story says: "Granny Swope and her half-son named Arthur ... (laughter) ... Not her half-son ... her step-son ... (laughter) ... I guess the other half was her cousin."

Wellsir -- In the photo above, believe it or not, Eva Jane is Leon's half-sister, and she is ALSO his cousin! 

How? (you ask)...

Leon's mother (Verlie) married his father Everett Garrett. While Verlie was pregnant with Leon, she and Everett divorced, and Verlie married Everett's brother Ed. Meanwhile, Verlie's sister Mildred married Everett. Mildred and Everett were the parents of Eva Jane. So Eva Jane's father (Everett) was also Leon's father -- so she was his half-sister. Eva Jane's mother (Mildred) was the sister of his mother (Verlie) and therefore his aunt -- so Eva Jane was his aunt's daughter, therefore his cousin.

So Eva Jane was literally Leon's half-sister AND his cousin.

(Seriously, click on the link. It's a hilarious story, and I can't tell it like Wendy does.)

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