Thursday, December 21, 2023

On This Day in Family History - December 21

Carl Stickels married Diana Georgeakopolos 21 December 1945

Carl and Diane were the parents of Becky Burford, wife of Lester Morris Burford, Jr. (son of Lester and Cleffie Hicks Burford)

Imogene Qualls Reed died 21 December 2020 age 95

Imogene was the 2nd wife of Elvin Reed (his 1st wife was Wilma Arnold)

Imogene's twin sister Maxine was the 2nd wife of Ned Jackson Carter

Ralph Edgar Till was born 21 December 1931 in Michigan

Ralph was the son of Madge Treat and Leonard Till
Madge was the sister of my grandmother Christie Treat Thomas

Taylor Renee Beukelman was born 21 December 1995

Taylor is the great-granddaughter of Lester and Cleffie Hicks Burford

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