Wednesday, December 20, 2023

On This Day in Family History - December 20

All but one of today's folks are related to my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold

Adaline was the mother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.

Arthur James Dunn was born 20 December 1885

Arthur was Adaline's nephew, the son of her half-sister Mary Elizabeth Carter Dunn

John Carter married Amy Lorene Tamsett 20 December 1903
John Carter was Adaline's brother

Melinda Paralee Carter was born 20 December 1866Photo: Adaline, Ellen, and Paralee Carter

Paralee was Adaline's sister
(I believe the name Paralee was pronounced "Parlie" -- that's how I've heard my grandmother and great-grandmother say it.)

Thomas Ewing Cartee was born 20 December 1866 in Missouri

Photo: Thomas Ewing Cartee and wife Isabel Matilda Carter Cartee

Matilda was Adaline's sister

Arbon Arnold died 20 December 2004 age 83

Photo: brothers Noel and Arbon Arnold, 1986

Arbon was Adaline's grandson, the son of Marlie Arnold

*   *   *

Juliet Lough Rice died 20 December 1893 age 71

Juliet was a granddaughter of Nicholas Gibson

Nicholas Gibson was my great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.

He was the great-great-grandfather of my great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford (mother of Lester Burford)

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