Monday, December 04, 2023

On This Day in Family History - December 4

 Bernice Pope Burford was born 04 December 1911

Bernice was a brother of my grandfather Lester Morris Burford
Photo: Lester and Bernice Burford

Berton Sylvester Dunn died 04 December 1972 age 89
Bert was the son of Mary Elizabeth Carter Dunn. Mary Elizabeth was a half-sister of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold (mother of Annie Arnold Hicks)

Edna Elsie Gibson was born 04 December 1892 in Illinois
Edna Elsie Gibson was a sister of my great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford
Photo: Gibson siblings, children of Asa Gibson and Adaline Gard Gibson

John Norris Rhoades was born 04 December 1857 in Missouri
John Norris Rhoades was the husband of Margaret Carter.
Margaret Carter was a half-sister of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.

Ora Lea Purtee Moore died 04 December 1998 age 93

I don't have a picture of Ora Lea. This photo includes her parents, Bill and Minerva, and their first 3 children - Archie, Guy, and Ethel. The picture was taken in 1895. Ora Lea was born 10 years later, in 1905. The older woman in the photo is Bill's mother, Susannah 'Susan' Herdman Purtee. I'm not even going to try to establish the connection here -- it's pretty obscure. The Herdmans are related by marriage to the Treat branch of the family tree. I downloaded this photo from the FindAGrave website. It is not among our 'hard copy' family pictures.

Victor Wood was born 04 December 1828

"(Lower left) Great Grandfather Victor Wood with brothers and sister. He was married five times and had children by all five wives. He died at the age of 94."

Photo: Victor Wood and one of his five wives

This is another example of an obscure connection to our ancestors. Victor's mother was an inlaw of the Gard branch of the family tree. I downloaded these great old photos from the FindAGrave website.

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