Sunday, December 31, 2023

On This Day in Family History - December 31

Lora Gibson Burford died 31 December 1970 age 93

Lora was my great-grandmother

Here are all the pictures I have of Lora Gibson Burford (in no particular order):

Lora and Alexander Burford with their first 5 children - Deb, Helen, George, Ishmael, and Killough. They had 5 more children - Bernice, Lester, Neil, Juanita, and Judy. Lester was my grandfather.

Photo: sisters Lora, Julia, Dora (Lora and Dora were twins)

Photo L-R: Lester, Juanita, George, Lora, Deb, Bernice, Judy, and Helen

Photo: Lora with some of her siblings. L-R: Anna, Edna, Dora, Lora, Iva Jane, Julia, Lawrence

Photo: Lora with my mother Wathada and my brother John, 1965

Photo: Back - Wathada, Juanita, me. Front: Judy, Lora, Helen. This was taken at Judy's house in Brinkley, Arkansas, in 1965. 

I don't know when this picture was taken. Pretty sure it would have been in Hunter, Arkansas, either at Lora's house or at her son Neil's house.

Photo: Lora and her son George

Photo: Lora Burford, unknown when or where this was taken

Cleffie was the wife of Lora's son Lester (my grandfather). Mildred was the wife of Lora's son Neil.

This is probably the last picture taken of Lora Gibson Burford.

*   *   *

Here are some anecdotes I have from my mother about Grandma Burford:

Wathada’s notes: Aunt Dorothy told me that Grandma Burford was so tiny when she was born that the doctor said she would not live.  You know Grandma was a twin.  Dorothy said Grandma was in the bottom part of the womb and Dora was in the top part.  I guess Dora just sat on Grandma and squashed her.  Anyway, Grandma was so tiny she fit into a shoe box after they had put padding it.  The doctor said she would die, and her mother and father believed that was true and they just weren't doing anything to save her.  So Grandma's grandmother asked Grandma's parents if she could take her home with her and try to save her.  They let her do that.   She put cotton seed in a shoe box for warmth - I guess it held heat or something.  She put Grandma in the shoe box with the cotton seed all around her and put her on the back of a wood burning stove to keep her warm.  She fed her with an eye dropper because she was too tiny to nurse or have a bottle.  So by George, she lived and grew and was healthy and everything.  So I guess her grandmother just went ahead and raised her.    That was a new story to me when Dorothy told it to me, but in a little while I did remember hearing a story like that but wouldn't have ever remembered any details of it or who it was about.    Aunt Dorothy said Grandma resented that whole thing and never did get over it.  She said Grandma always said the her mother gave her away. And she was bitter about it.  But I have seen in a census at least once where Grandma was listed in the household of her parents.  They may have included her just because she was their daughter even though she might not have actually been living with them.  Or maybe she did live with them some of the time.  There's no way to know these things for sure.  

Wathada’s notes: Aunt Dorothy told me that Grandma (Lora Gibson Burford) had gone to stay with Alexander and his first wife when she was 14 years old and lived with them from then on.  I asked her why she had gone to live with them when she was 14, and she said because Helen Virginia (Alexander's first wife) was always sickly and was not able to take care of her children.  Grandma had gone to live with them to take care of the children.  That would have been in 1891 or 1892. Raymond (the oldest) would have been 5 years old then. Most likely it was around the time of the birth of the last child (Hazel) who was born in January 1892.  They paid Grandma for taking care of the children.    

[Author’s note: About a year and a half after Helen Virginia died, Alexander married Lora Gibson.]

Wathada’s notes: Grandma loved her stepchildren. When I talked to Hazel's (Daddy's half-sister) daughter-in-law, she said Hazel had told her that they loved their stepmother.   She said she didn't have a lot of clothes when she was growing up, but that what she had was beautiful - much nicer than most little girls have.  She said Hazel specifically mentioned a beautiful skirt and a satin blouse she had when she was growing up.  I guess it must have been her favorite.  She said it was beautiful.  I know Grandma made the clothes she had and she was a very good seamstress and was famous for her quilting.  She was actually an artist at whatever kind of needlework she did.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

On This Day in Family History - December 30

Alford Eli Burns was born 30 December 1822

The Burns branch of the family tree is connected to my great-great-grandmother Malisa Burns Hicks.

Bernice Pope Burford married Maxine Davis 30 December 1933

Bernice was a brother of my grandfather Lester Burford.
I don't have a picture of Bernice's first wife Maxine Davis.

Homer Carl Leeth was born 30 December 1910Photo L-R: Kenneth, Dennis, Carl, and Daisy Leeth 

They were the children of Becky Parker and Leslie Leeth. Becky was the sister of my great-grandmother Massie Parker Treat.

James Henry Ireland died 30 December1912 age 73

He was the husband of Mary Elizabeth Lough, daughter of Prudence Gibson and Peter Lough. The Gibsons are connected to my great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford.

Ora Mae Cartee was born 30 December 1934 in Missouri

Ora Mae was the granddaughter of Matilda Carter Cartee.
Matilda was a sister of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.

Raymond Minter Burford died 30 December 1958

Photo L-R: Raymond, Juanita Burford Hombs and her son Jim, Ella Irby-Goade, and Florence Burford.

Raymond was a half-brother of my grandfather Lester Burford.

Ulysses Fillmore Hicks was born 30 December 1886 in Tennessee

Ulysses was my great-grandfather -- one of my ancestors that I actually knew in person in my childhood. He was a wise and gentle man.

Friday, December 29, 2023

On This Day in Family History - December 29

William Calvin Barnett married Alice Eldora Quattlebaum 29 December 1901

I don't have a picture of them, but their offspring became entwined with the Hicks branch of our family tree in several ways.

William Calvin Barnett's first wife was Mattie Oliver. They had 2 children: Nora and Iva. As far as I know we are not related to any of their offspring.

William's 2nd wife was Emma Elizabeth Harrel. They had three children: Gradie, Pearle, and Earl.

Dora Quattlebaum was William Calvin Barnett's third wife. They had ten children: Everett, Vida, Arvil, Emmitt, Beral, Benny, Maudie, Golden ('Doc'), Carvil A, and Dennis.

 My great-grandparents Ulys and Annie Hicks had nine children: Ruby, Irene, Cleffie, Elvin, Evalee, Vernell, Olan, Bernice, and Lowell. Three of them married into the Barnett clan.

Ruby Hicks married Arvil Barnett. 

Irene Hicks married Golden 'Doc' Barnett.

Elvin Hicks married Mildred McKay (daughter of Gradie Barnett McKay)

Photo: Sisters Ruby and Irene Hicks with their husbands, brothers Arvil and Doc Barnett.

Photo: Ruby and Arvil Barnett and Luvena ("Aint Luveenee") who was the wife of Arvil's half-brother Earl Barnett.

Photo: Maudie Barnett Caldwell, sister of Arvil and Doc.

Photo: Cleffie Hicks and Luvena Barnett's daughter Irene.

Back: Luvena Barnett, Wathada Thomas (my mother), Cleffie Hicks Burford, Ruby Hicks Barnett. Front: me, with Ruby's grandchildren Donna and Mike Hawley.

Well, I could go on and on, if I went forward to the next generation or two... or three. 
But I guess I'll stop here.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

On This Day in Family History - December 28

Thomas Albert Nicholson was born 28 December 1884 in Arkansas

Photo: Tom and Kizzie Nicholson

They were inlaws of Dulcie Mae Jackson, daughter of Etta Arnold and Ben Jackson

(Etta was a sister of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks)

William Limuel Phalamil Hamby died 28 December 1934 age 77

I don't have a picture of him. He was the husband of Leona Bullard

Leona was the daughter of George Bullard and his first wife Josephine Tamsett

Photo: George and Josie Bullard and daughter Leona
(George Bullard was the uncle who, with his sister Peggy, raised John Henry Arnold, my great-great-grandfather)

James Madison Herdman married Cienda Agnes Brown 28 December 1873
They had nine children - Icy Estella, Perry, Grace, Alta, Verda, Harley, Edna, Maggie, and Joseph
I can't for the life of me figure out what combination of those are in this photo.

This is Grace, Edna, and Alta

I got these pictures from the FindAGrave website.

The Herdman branch of the family tree is related by marriage to the Treat family.

On This Day in Family History - December 27

Minerva Evalee Hicks Jones died 27 December 1995 age 73

Evalee was a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford. In this picture, Evalee is on the left, Cleffie is on the right. This picture was taken in Cleffie's apartment in Watervliet, Michigan. Evalee lived in another apartment in the same building the last several months before she died. The apartment building was rent-controlled for senior citizens, and was in the building that was previously Watervliet Community Hospital -- where I and both of my brothers were born.
The hospital (This would have been in the 1960s. The side wing had not been built yet when I was born in 1954, but it was built by the time my brother John was born in 1964.
The apartment building was next door to the grocery store. The residents could call in their order and Harding's Friendly Market stock boys would deliver their groceries to them. (One of the perks of small town life. This was long before Amazon and online shopping came into existence.)

*   *   *
Minnie Fuller Davis was born 27 December 1865 in New York
This photo is presumably Minnie and her husband Frank with their first child, Edna.

This is another unlabeled picture from her FindAGrave memorial. This is probably Minnie and Frank with their second child, Chase. Minnie was 42 years old when Chase was born. Their daughter Edna died at age 12 when Chase was 1 year old. 

Minnie and Frank Davis were somehow related to the Thomas/Ford families. 
This picture is from our family photo archives. It is labeled "Nancy Thomas, cousin Minnie from New York, Charles Ford, Hattie Girard, Kate Ford" -- Kate and Nancy and Charles were Ford siblings. Their father, William Ford, came from New York and still had relatives living there. (Nancy Ford Thomas was my great-grandmother.)

In this picture, the man on the right is Minnie's husband Frank M Davis

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

On This Day in Family History - December 26

Ernestine Till was born 26 December 1879 in Russia

Isabel Matilda Carter married Thomas Ewing Cartee 26 December 1891

Guy Rufus Cartee was born 26 December 1892 in Missouri

Guy was the son of Matilda Carter Cartee (above)
He was born exactly one year after she married Thomas Cartee

John James Miller was born 26 December 1870 in Bangor, Michigan

Richard 'Sonny' Hiler died 26 December 2022, age 92

Ruby Foust Reed was born 26 December 1920

Ruby was the first wife of Elmer Reed

Theressa K Plume Walters died 26 December 2003, age 101

Photo: Theressa Walters on her 100th birthday