Tuesday, June 06, 2023

On This Day in Family History - June 6

 Charles Fletcher Jones, Jr. was born 06 June 1920

Charles was the husband of Evalee Hicks (sister to my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford)
Charles and Evalee were married 05 June 1940, and they had two children - Buck and Beverly

Here are some family anecdotes about Charles...

  Charles was in the army and he was in World War Two. He was in a lot of the bad fighting and it was a bad time. He and Evalee had a little boy, Buck, and their daughter Beverly was born while Charles was in the war. He didn't see Beverly until she was two years old. She was a pretty little girl with lots of blond curls. She thought her daddy was a picture of Charles because while Charles was gone Evalee would show her that picture and tell her that was her daddy. When Charles came home and they told her he was her daddy, she didn't take it very well and she would run and get that picture which she thought was her daddy. 
  But she warmed up to Charles gradually. He had a shoe repair shop and he would make leather strap sandals too. He would take her to the shop with him and let her play around the shop while he worked.  Beverly liked that, and they formed a bond between them that way and she soon learned to love him very much.  
  Charles loved children all of his life. Even in his last years, he loved to have the grandchildren in the house all the time as much as he could manage to have it that way.   

(written by Bernice Hicks, sister of Evalee Hicks Jones)

Here is how I remember Charles and Evalee from my childhood --

Charles Jones died 13 March 1995, age 74
Evalee died 27 December 1995, age 73

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