Tuesday, June 20, 2023

On This Day in Family History - June 20

 William McMillan Ford was born 20 June 1831

William was the son of George Ford and Nancy McMillan

William married Isadore Halsted and they had 6 children: Alice, Charles, Nancy (my great-grandmother), Kate, Stephen, and Effie
Photo: Stephen, Alice, Nancy Ford

Photo: Alice Ford Miller

Photos: Charles McMillan Ford, Nancy Ford Thomas

Photo: Kate Ford Adams, Stephen Ford

William Ford died 10 May 1919, age 87

The funeral of William M. Ford was held at his home, 80 South Haven street, Monday afternoon at one o'clock, Rev. Peatling conducting the services. Two songs were given by Mrs. F. C. Cogshall. The burial was at Hilltop cemetery, Bangor. Star of the Lake lodge and the Masonic lodge at Bangor attended, J. E. Burge of Mr. Ford's home lodge giving the Masonic burial service.

William M. Ford was born in Orange County, New York, June 20, 1831. At the age of twenty he married Isadore Halstead, also of New York state. Four years later he and his wife were one of eleven families to come to Michigan, then known as the "far West." This colony at first settled in Lawton, but about four years later, attracted by the new industry of making pig iron at Bangor, nearly every one of them moved to Bangor, first helping to build the blast furnaces then staying to find employment in them. Mr. Ford and his family, in fact, stayed there as long as the furnaces continued to operate. From Bangor he moved to Watervliet where he changed his occupation to stock buying which occupation he followed 'till the time of his death. The last thirty-seven years have been passed in South Haven.

During his first marriage there were born six children, five of whom survive, Mrs. Alice Miller of this city; Charles M. Ford of Hartford; Mrs. Nancy Thomas and Mrs. Kate Adams, both of Bangor, and Stephen Ford of Grand Rapids. Mrs. Effie Smith, his youngest daughter by this marriage, died twenty-eight years ago.

After the death of his first wife in 1881, he married Mrs. Edith Carrol of Bangor. There was one child by this marriage, Madge, who died fourteen years ago. Clemm C. Ford, a step-son by this marriage, lives at La Grange, Ill.

His second wife being also taken by death, in 1902 he married Mrs. Eva Letson Hubbard who survives him. Mr. Ford has also three living sisters, Mrs. Anna Crampton, Miss Kate Ford, and Mrs. Cecelia McMurtry of Patterson, New Jersey. He is survived by nine grandchildren, two of whom, Mrs. Clifford Girard and Mr. John Miller reside in this city; also by twelve great-grandchildren.

He has been a man of unusual physical vigor and until stricken by his last illness three weeks ago has hardly known illness. Indeed his garden lies ready for the seed plowed by himself. One of the most familiar sights of our streets has been Mr. Ford driving his faithful horse, a sight which will be missed by those thus long accustomed to see him.

His membership in the Masonic lodge dates back sixty years and this long membership has entitled him to honorary membership for the last twenty years.

Mrs. H. J. Burgess of Mobile, Alabama, a step-daughter by his third marriage, came home to assist in caring for him three weeks ago and was here at the time of his death which occurred Saturday, May 10. Mr. Ford would have been eighty-eight years old had he lived until the 20th of June.

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