Thursday, June 22, 2023

On This Day in Family History - 22 June

Beverly Jean Jones was born 22 June 1944

 Beverly was the daughter of Charles and Evalee Hicks Jones. 
Photo: Charles & Evalee Jones, Buck and Beverly

Evalee was a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.
Photo: Evalee and Cleffie
(That's Buck Jones, Ronnie Burford and Beverly Jones in the background. There might be some other kids hidden in the bushes, too, I don't know. This picture was apparently taken the same day as the one below...)
Photo: Annie Hicks (center), Ronnie Burford (left), Beverly Jones (right)... hidden in the bushes, Buck Jones (left), Wathada and Bobby Burford (right).
[This is the picture I used for the cover of my book "The Woods is Full of 'Em"]

Anyway... back to Beverly...

Beverly Jones married Ted Radde in 1962 and they had four children - Scott, twins Mike and Melanie, and Rick
Photos: Beverly and Ted wedding announcement in the newspaper, Ted Radde

Photos: Scott Radde, Melanie and Mike Radde

This is the only picture I have of Rick Radde (I got it from his Facebook page).

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