Thursday, June 15, 2023

On This Day in Family History - June 15

Buckle your seatbelts -- here we go!

Isaac William Reed was born 15 June 1891

(Apparently he was called Jeff)

Isaac and Bertha Reed are related to the Arnold and Carter branches of the family tree by marriage. Marriages, that is. (You've heard the phrase "shirttail relations"?)

Isaac and Bertha were the parents of Elmer and Elvin Reed. 
Photo: Elmer (born 1915) and Elvin (born 1913) Reed

Photos: Elmer Reed and Opie Arnold, Elvin Reed and Wilma Arnold. (Opie and Wilma were sisters -- daughters of Uncle George Arnold. George Arnold was the brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.)

Elvin Reed married Wilma Arnold in 1930. Elvin and Wilma had a daughter, Stella Marqueta Reed.
Photo: Stella Marqueta Reed

After Elvin and Wilma divorced in 1944, Elvin married Imogene Qualls.
Left: Elvin Reed. Right: Imogene Qualls Reed.

Imogene had a twin sister, Maxine, who married Ned Jackson Carter after his first wife Helen died (from complications of childbirth after the birth of their first child Glynda).
Left: Ned Jackson Carter. Right: Maxine Qualls Carter. (Ned Carter was a cousin of George Arnold)

Left: Ned's 1st wife Helen Padgett Carter. Right: Ned and Helen's daughter Glynda Faye Carter.

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Elmer Reed married Ruby Foust in 1937. They were married 57 years and had three children - Howard, Larry, and Kathy. (I don't have pictures of them. Aren't ya glad?)
Ruby died in 1994. In 1999 Elmer married my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford. Cleffie was a 1st cousin to Wilma Arnold (Elvin Reed's 1st wife). Cleffie had been married to Lester Burford for 50 years, and they had 4 children - Wathada (my mother), Morris, Bob, and Ron. (I have LOTS of pictures of them, but I won't post them today.) Lester died in 1990.
Photo: Cleffie Hicks and Lester Burford 1935.

Photo: Elmer Reed and Cleffie Hicks Burford 1999
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See? It's fun!! (Well, maybe I'm the only one who thinks this is fun...) 

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