Monday, June 26, 2023

On This Day in Family History - June 26

 James Franklin 'Frank' Carter was born 26 June 1904

Photo: Back - Frank, Lena. Front - George and Larah Carter, baby Etta

Frank Carter was the son of George Thomas Carter and Larah Ann Elizabeth Wilkerson. (I don't know if her name was spelled Larah or Laura. I've seen it both ways.) He had two sisters, Lena and Etta.
Photo: Etta and Lena Carter at family reunion 1983

George Carter was a brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.
Larah Wilkerson Carter died in a tornado in 1938.

Frank Carter married Vesta Springfield 18 February 1935. They were later divorced. Vesta was the daughter of Frank's cousin Parlie Rhoades Springfield. (It's not  specifically stated as the reason for their divorce, but the family records imply that Frank and Vesta were divorced because they were cousins and it was not legal for them to be married.) Vesta later married Joseph C Allen. I don't have any records indicating whether Frank ever married again. There is a child, James Carter, who is Frank's son, buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, where Frank and most of our Carter relatives are buried. That baby only lived one day. He was born in 1938, but he is not listed in Vesta's memorial on FindAGrave, so I don't know for sure whether he is her son, or if he was Frank's son with someone else. I don't know how long Frank and Vesta were married before their divorce.

Frank Carter died 11 Dec 1975, age 71
He is buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Floral, Independence County, Arkansas

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