Sunday, June 25, 2023

On This Day in Family History - June 25

Malisa Evaline Burns married John Henry Hicks 25 June 1865

Photo: John Henry Hicks and Malisa Evaline Burns Hicks

Malisa Burns and John Henry Hicks were my great-great-grandparents. Their son, Ulysses, was my great-grandfather. Malisa and John Henry had nine children, of which my great-grandfather, Ulysses, was the last. 
Hicks brothers L-R: Ulysses, Felix, Pinkney, David

Photo: Back - Felix Hicks, his wife Ida holding daughter Rosie, Ulysses. 
Front - John Henry, Malisa, David Hicks.

Photo: Front - Malisa Hicks, Nancy Ellen Hicks Sandefur (Malisa's daughter)
Back: Ida Mae and Viola (Nancy Ellen's daughters)

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