Sunday, March 05, 2023

On This Day in Family History - March 5

 Charles William Thomas was born 05 March 1914

This picture is labeled "Clarence Thomas holding Chuck"
"Chuck" was Charles William Thomas
Clarence Thomas was a brother of my grandfather Bill Thomas

Clarence married Margaret Hughes and they had four children -- Alyce, Hugh, Chuck, and Nancy

Photo: Alyce Thomas with Chuck and Hugh (Chuck is on the left)
Photo: Nancy L. Thomas
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Chuck married Johanna (I don't know her maiden name), and they had three children -- Jimmie, Sally, and Jeffrey. Sally died of meningitis in 1938 at age 3 months. Jimmie died in 1941 at age 4. Chuck died in 1978. Johanna died in 1992. Jeffrey died in 1993 at age 40.
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I don't have any pictures of Margaret Hughes Thomas, that I know of. I do have quite a few unidentified pictures from the Thomas side of the family. I have wondered if the photo below might be Clarence and Margaret, with Chuck and Nancy...

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