Sunday, March 12, 2023

On This Day in Family History - March 12

 Sherman Tecumseh Walters was born 12 March 1899

Sherman was the husband of Helen Alice Burford
(Helen was the older sister of my grandfather Lester Burford)

Sherman and Helen had one child, a daughter, Frances

Until I started putting this post together, I didn't realize how many pictures I had of Uncle Sherman. There are several snapshots, in addition to these.
And I had forgotten all about this one --
This picture contains four generations -- Sherman and Helen, with daughter Frances, granddaughter Anne, and Sherman's mother 


  1. I spent a lot of time at Aunt Helen and Uncle Walter's house. He would take me out into the fields (I think because I was always under foot in the kitchen) and always had that great big smile. We would take the field hands lunch and sitting under the trees eating is still one of my favorite childhood memories.

    1. this Jeannie Burford Martin not Anonymous lol

    2. Thanks for sharing that lovely memory.

  2. Wonderful man. Wonderful family.


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