Wednesday, March 22, 2023

On This Day in Family History - March 21

"A day late and a dollar short..."

Well, I didn't have pictures of any of the birthday people yesterday, and I got sidetracked, and ... I was eating soup with my axe. (If that doesn't make any sense to you, google it.)

Photos: Roger and Jean Thomas

So instead I'm going to post pictures I got from the Bangor (Michigan) Historical Society webpage. These are pictures that were in frames, hanging in the house of Roger Thomas when he died. Roger's kids, who worked long and hard sorting through and disposing of his estate, could not identify the people in the pictures. 

If they are related to the Thomas family, I don't recognize any of them. It's possible they were people on Jean's side of the family. (I guess it's possible that Roger and Jean didn't know the people in the pictures, either. They could have been just for decor.)


  1. Very nice. Them I know! I sang in several choirs where she was the pianist.


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