Monday, March 27, 2023

On This Day in Family History - March 27

 Dallas Miftlin "Dale" Miller was born 27 March 1852

Dale married Alice Ford Miller
Alice Ford Miller was a sister to my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas

Dale and Alice Ford Miller were the parents of five children -- Audie, Carrie, Harriet, Isadora, and John Cleveland.
Photo: Audie and Alice Miller. (Audie died of tuberculosis at age 24.)
Carrie Miller died age 6 months. I don't know her cause of death, and I don't have any pictures of her.

I think this is Harriet Miller with her mother Alice, but I'm not sure. 
Harriet Miller married Cleophas ("Cliff") Girard. 
This photo is -- Cliff & Harriet ('Hattie') Girard, Audrey Cushman, Marjorie Girard and her husband Harry Swartout. (Cliff wasn't really transparent -- haha. This is the only picture I have of him.) 

I don't have a picture of Isadora ("Dora") Miller. She married Andrew John Cushman. They had two children -- Audrey and Pauline. Pauline was born prematurely and died at birth, and Dora died just hours later, from tuberculosis.
Photos: Andrew John Cushman, Alice Ford Miller and Audrey Cushman

John Cleveland Miller married Giulielma Hoxie and they had 3 children -- Jerry, Preston, and Allan. Giulie died shortly after Allan's birth, and Allan was raised by Effie and Harry Wieland. 
Photo: Giulie and John Cleveland Miller

Photo -- Jerry, Allan, Preston Miller. (I don't know who the little boy is.)

Photo: Miller family - BACK Giulie, William Ford holding Preston Miller, John Cleveland Miller, Alice Ford Miller FRONT Audrey Cushman, Alice Virginia Girard, Marjorie Girard, Jerry Miller. William Ford is Alice's father. The two little girls in the middle in the front are Harriet's daughters.

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