Wednesday, March 22, 2023

On This Day in Family History - March 22

 Birdie Leona Hays Arnold died 22 March 1978, age 79

Birdie was the wife of Marlie Arnold
Marlie was a brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks

Photo: Birdie and Marlie Arnold

Photo: Aunt Birdie and Uncle Marlie

Birdie and Marlie had nine children. Their first baby died at birth (or was stillborn) - a son, born 1916. Their 8 living children were Sylvia, Eldred, Arbon, Doyle, Lois, Noel, Dorothy Mae, and Hope.
Photo: Hope, Dorothy Mae, Sylvia, Aunt Birdie
Photo: Noel and Arbon
Photo: L-R - Lois, Dorothy Mae, Delbert (Sylvia's husband), Hope, Sylvia
Photos: Doyle, Eldred

Doyle died at age 9 from gangrene from a broken arm. Eldred died at age 23 from epilepsy.

Here's a bonus picture that I found on the internet -- Aunt Birdie's family:
Birdie is the tall girl standing behind her mother. Her father's name was William Johnson Hayes, mother's maiden name Minnie B. Williams, siblings Robert Lee, Harvey Houston, Ola Francis, Mae (died age 27), Liston, Noley Ernest, William Jesse, Thelma (died in infancy), Zelma Gladis. 

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