Saturday, January 01, 2022

Reunions album - Noel and Calvin

Carter/Arnold annual reunion 1983. Noel Arnold (son of Uncle Marlie and Aunt Birdie) and his wife Louise. Calvin Jackson (son of Aunt Ettie and Ben Jackson) and his wife Jerline.

Photo: Noel Arnold with his sisters Hope and Sylvia

Noel is the little blonde boy on the left  in this picture. The two girls to the right of him are his sisters Dorothy Mae and Hope. The two tallest children in the back are Evalee and Arbon. Middle row L-R: Olan, Lois, Lowell, Bernice, Oma Dell, and Vernell. Arbon and Lois are Noel's brother and sister. The rest are children of Ulys and Annie Arnold Hicks (OmaDell is their grandchild, who was born before their last two children).


Photo: Calvin and Jerline Jackson with two of their children. (about 1950)

Photo: Calvin Jackson (front) with his brother Alvis (left) and cousin Elvin Hicks (right)

Photo: Calvin Jackson and his sister Wincel. (I don't know who the person standing on the left side of the picture is. Possibly their father, Ben Jackson.)

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