Sunday, January 16, 2022

Carter/Arnold reunion 1986


Top: Gracie Arnold, Ruby Barnett
Bottom: Alvis Jackson and wife Elinor, Sylvia Dye and companion (husband Delbert died in 1974)

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Gracie Bell Webb was the wife of John Davidson Arnold (brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks). 


Ruby Barnett is the oldest child of Ulysses and Annie Hicks. 
Photo: Annie and Ulysses Hicks (holding Irene), Ruby


Alvis Jackson was the son of Etta Lee Arnold Jackson (sister of Annie Hicks)
Photo: Alvis Jackson


Sylvia Arnold Dye was the daughter of Marlie Arnold (brother of Annie Hicks). She was a cousin of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford. They were born 3 months apart, in 1917. I have several photos of the two of them together.


Sylvia and Cleffie 1994

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