Saturday, January 08, 2022

Reunions album - 1983 continued

Top left: Ruby, Oma Dell, Irene, Evalee, Verlie, Bernice
Top right: Ed & Verlie Garrett family
Bottom left: Ruby, Irene, Cleffie, Evalee, Bernice
Bottom right: son of Etta Carter Derryberry

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Top left - Ruby, Irene, Evalee, and Bernice are daughters of Ulys & Annie Arnold Hicks. Oma Dell is Ruby's daughter.

Top right - Verlie Arnold Garrett is one of "Uncle George's girls" and Ed Garrett was her husband. Her sister Mildred was married to Ed's brother Everett... (Well, way back in the day, Verlie was married to Everett first. They had a child, and she was expecting their second child when they divorced and she married Everett's brother Ed. And then Mildred married Everett.) Verlie had four children who lived, and twin boys who died at birth in 1948. Her four children are Wes, Leon, Youl Glenn (I don't know if he's called Youl or Glenn), and Verletta. Only Verletta is still living. Verlie is still living and celebrated her 100th birthday in May of 2021.

Bottom left - Ruby, Irene, Cleffie, Evalee, and Bernice are 5 of 6 daughters of my great-grandparents Ulysses & Annie Arnold Hicks. Cleffie is my grandmother. The sixth sister is Vernell, who was not at the reunion in 1983. (She lived in California, much farther away than the rest of the sisters who lived in Arkansas, Missouri, and Michigan at the time.)

Bottom right - I don't know the name of this man. Etta Carter Derryberry had four sons - Stanley, Danny, James, and Joseph. She also had 6 daughters. I don't know which one of her sons this is. Etta was a first cousin to my great-grandmother Annie Hicks.


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