Friday, January 21, 2022

Ruth Iwana Carter

Top left: Gracie Arnold (wife of John Davidson Arnold)
Top right: Alvis Jackson and wife (son of Etta Arnold Jackson)
Bottom: Ruth Carter and my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford (Ruth is the daughter of John Martin Carter and Amy Tamsett Carter)(John was the brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold - so she would be Cleffie's 1st cousin once removed)

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Here are some more pictures of Ruth Carter
In this photo Ruth is the smallest child, pictured with some siblings and Arnold cousins. (Back: Arbie Arnold, Lavada and Agnes and Ollie Carter, Wilma Arnold. Front: Eulene, Ruth, and Elmer Carter.)

Photo: Joan Arnold and Ruth Carter (cousins)

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Obituary (from Find A Grave website)

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