Sunday, January 02, 2022

Reunions album - Verlie


Verlie's is quite a story. (It's in my book The Woods Is Full of 'Em.) And it's still ongoing -- she celebrated her 100th birthday 27 March 2021.

Verlie is one of "Uncle George's girls"
George Ned Arnold -- brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks -- had two families. His first wife, Jessie Tamsett was the mother of his first 8 children -- one boy and seven girls. After Jessie died, he married Eula Mae Burnett, the mother of his 5 other children -- one boy and four girls.
The oldest child, Amos, died of typhoid fever in 1919, at age 7. In this picture the youngest of Jessie's children - Joan - had not yet been born.

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