Friday, December 31, 2021

Reunions album - Carter./Arnold reunion 1983


At the Carter/Arnold annual family reunion in 1983. 

Gracie Arnold was the wife of John Davidson Arnold.
The picture of 1st cousins - 
Back row: Ruby Vincent, Noel Arnold, Obie Davidson, Hope Brackett, Verlie Garrett, Ruby Barnett, Arbie Hayes, Irene Barnett. 
Front row: Evalee Jones, Bernice Rogers, Bertha Lee Averill, Christene Riggs, Sylvia Dye, Joan Hays (sitting in front of Sylvia), Cleffie Burford.

Arbie, Obie, Verlie, Joan, Ruby, and Bertha Lee are children of George Ned Arnold. 
Ruby, Irene, Cleffie, Evalee, and Bernice are children of Annie Arnold Hicks.
Christene is the daughter of John Davidson Arnold (and Gracie). 
Sylvia, Noel, and Hope are children of Marlie Arnold. 

Photo: The Arnold siblings - parents of all the cousins in the photo above, George, Annie, John, Marlie, and Etta. (None of Etta's children are in the group photo above, although one or two of them were at the reunion in 1983.)

Photo: John Henry and Adaline Arnold, parents of George, Annie, John, Marlie, and Etta.

John Henry and Adaline Arnold had 44 grandchildren altogether (not counting those who died at birth). George had 13 children, Annie had 9 children, John had 8 children, Marlie had 8 children, Etta had 6 children.

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