Monday, January 10, 2022

Reunion 1984


Carter/Arnold reunion 1984

Top left: son of Etta Carter Derryberry, and his wife
Top right: Some cousins - Opie, Arbie, Ned, Verlie, Bob Smith, Obie, Joan
Bottom left: Uncle George's kids - Verlie, Arbie, Bertha Lee, Obie, Ruby, Opie, Bud, Joan
Bottom right: Ned Jackson Carter

*     *     *

Instead of explaining all the relationships again, I'm going to show you some pictures of some of these folks when they were younger...

Photo: George Carter family - wife Laura, son Frank, daughter Lena, baby daughter Etta. This is ETTA CARTER, mother of the young man in the reunion picture.

Photo: Uncle George Arnold with first wife Jessie and their first 5 children - Amos, Arbie, Wilma, twins Obie and Opie

All of Uncle George and Aunt Jessie's girls (Amos died) - ARBIE, Wilma, OPIE and OBIE, Mildred, VERLIE, and JOAN.

Uncle George with second wife Eula Mae, and their five children - Clora Mae, BUD, RUBY, Delena, and BERTHA LEE.

Photos: Ned Jackson Carter, Ned's parents John and Amy Carter. John Carter was the brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.

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