Sunday, January 30, 2022

Carter/Arnold reunion1990 - connections


Left: Elvin Hicks, Jr., Charles Jones, Alvis Jackson
Right: Irene Barnett, Arbie Hayes

*     *     *

Elvin Hicks, Jr. is the son of Elvin Revalee Hicks -- brother of my grandmother Cleffie Burford.
Charles Jones is the husband of Evalee Hicks Jones -- sister of my grandmother Cleffie Burford.
Alvis Jackson is the son of Etta Arnold Jackson -- aunt of my grandmother Cleffie Burford.
Irene Hicks Barnett is a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Burford.
Arbie Arnold Hayes is the daughter of George Ned Arnold -- uncle of my grandmother Cleffie Burford.

My grandmother, Cleffie Hicks Burford

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