Thursday, January 06, 2022

Reunions album - the Carter/Arnold link


Top left - Jim Jackson family (son of Alvis Jackson)
Top right - Etta and Lena, daughters of George Carter
Bottom left - Joan Arnold Hays and daughter
Bottom right - Louise and Noel Arnold

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Alvis Jackson is the son of Etta Arnold Jackson (Etta is my great-grandmother Annie Hicks' sister)
Etta and Lena are daughters of George Carter. (George was a first cousin of Annie Hicks.)
Joan Arnold is one of "Uncle George's girls"  (Uncle George was Annie's brother)
Noel is the son of Marlie Arnold (Marlie was Annie's brother) 
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The common ancestor of all these people is Ned Jonas Carter. Ned had 14 children. His first wife was Melinda Clingan. They had 6 children, two of whom died at birth. His second wife was Jane Evans, who brought two children from a previous marriage. She and Ned had 8 more children. One of those children was my great-great-grandmother Adaline, who married John Henry Arnold. (That is the link between the Carter and Arnold families.) 
Photo: Ned Jonas Carter, Jane Evans Carter

Photo: John Henry Arnold and Adaline Carter Arnold

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