Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Reunion 1990


Top: Cleffie Hicks Burford, Ruth Carter Hodges, Irene Hicks Barnett
Bottom: Frankly, I have no idea who these people are!

Top: Calvin Jackson's wife Jerline, Alvis Jackson's wife Elinor
Bottom: Calvin Jackson with a woman who may be his daughter - I'm not sure. There is another picture of her below with another woman who may be another one of Calvin's daughters.

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Ruth Carter is a cousin (1st cousin once removed) of Cleffie and Irene. Their grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold and Ruth's father John Martin Carter were sister and brother.

Photos: Adaline Carter Arnold, John Martin Carter

Calvin and Alvis Jackson were sons of Etta Lee Arnold and Ben Jackson. Etta was the sister of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.
Photo: Ben and Etta Arnold Jackson, Ben holding Alvis

Photo L-R: Alvis Jackson, Calvin Jackson (front), Elvin Hicks

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