Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Reunions album - Obie Geneva Arnold Davidson

Obie Geneva Arnold was one of "Uncle George's girls" -- daughter of George Ned Arnold. (George was the brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.) Obie and her sister Opie were twins. Obie married Vernie Davidson in 1934. They had nine children: Zenus, twins Coy and Toy, Gerald, Anita, Kay, Naomi, Wilma, and Verna.  (I don't know which daughter is in the photograph above.)

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More pictures of Obie Arnold Davidson

Obie and Opie were born in September 1917, a month after my grandmother Cleffie Hicks, so the three of them were often photographed together. 

Photo: Vernie and Obie with their 4 sons. Vernie is holding Toy and Coy, Opie is holding Gerald, and Zenus is standing next to her. This picture would have been taken in 1939.

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