Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The stockings were hung... the piano...
(at our house on McRae street, Searcy, Arkansas, 1979)

... by the sewing machine ...
(at our house on McRae street, Searcy, Arkansas, 1980. My mother knitted the stockings.)

... by the cedar chest ...
(at our house on Lape Avenue, Searcy, Arkansas 1983.)

... by the dresser ...
(at our house on Rosa Court, Fairhope, Alabama, 1993. I made these stockings from one of the kids' baby quilts.)

The piano did not make the move to Lape Avenue with us. I had given up on the idea of giving piano lessons by then. The Singer treadle sewing machine had been my mother's. It still worked. The cedar chest had been Grandma Thomas'. She gave it to me for a hope chest while I was still in high school. The dresser had been great-aunt Effie's. (I also had a Jenny Lind bed that had been Aunt Renue's and a beautiful antique rocking chair that Grandma Thomas gave me for a wedding present. I still have the cedar chest and the dresser. The other pieces of heirloom family furniture have been lost over time. I didn't cherish them as much as I should have.)

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