Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Remember Xmas cards?

 Remember when people sent real Christmas cards? 

These are pictures of the house I lived in when I was a small child. 307 Union Street, Bangor, Michigan. 

We lived in this house from June 1956 until the end of 1961. (And then we lived in it again for a few months in 1963.) My dad built the room divider between the living room and dining room The enclosed parts have doors and shelves on the dining room side. This house had a living room on one side of the front and a 'parlor' on the other side. It had one bedroom downstairs (behind the parlor) and two bedrooms and an attic upstairs. The house was haunted. The old man who lived in the house before us had died in one of the upstairs bedrooms and apparently still lived there with us after he died. We could hear him walking around upstairs and see a misty patch of light in the middle of the stairway sometimes. We lived in this house longer than any other house when I was growing up. In fact, it's the longest I ever lived in one house my whole life, until the house I am living in now, where we have been for almost 20 years.

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