Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Reunions album - Viola Solomon

Viola was a first cousin to my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford. Cleffie's father Ulysses and Viola's mother Nancy Ellen ("Nannie") were brother and sister. Viola is pictured here with Cleffie and two of Cleffie's sisters - Ruby and Irene, and with Cleffie's husband (my grandfather) Lester Burford, and with Cleffie's brother Olan and his wife Barbara.

In this photograph Viola is top right. Next to her is her sister Mae Sandefur. Seated on the ground are their grandmother Malisa Hicks and their mother Nannie Hicks Sandefur.

Viola Sandefur married William Ralph Solomon in 1928. He died in 1930 and she never married again. They had one child, Nora Ellen. 

Here is the last known photograph of Viola Sandefur Solomon, with four great-grandchildren, before she died 03 February 2000 at the age of 93. 

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