Thursday, December 23, 2021

Special Christmas Memories, chapter 4


Christmas 1967 was especially well-documented. All of Grandma & Papa Burford's kids and grandkids -- only five of them had been born at that time -- were at their house, and Uncle Bob was taking pictures, and so was my dad (Red). Great-grandma Annie Hicks was there, too. Four generations in one house.

I remember this house like the back of my hand. I swear if it ever comes on the market I'm going to buy it, just for nostalgia's sake! (Well, not really, because I don't want to live in Michigan in the winter.) This picture was taken in the dining room, between the living room and the kitchen. That's Cleffie, surveying the spread. Looks like turkey and dressing... all the traditional holiday foods. 

Photo: Jackie, Wathada, Ron, Lori and John

Photo: Jackie, Cleffie, Wathada, Maxine, Annie

Photo: Annie, Cleffie, Wathada, Dianne -- four generations.

This is probably the best (imho) picture ever taken of Papa Burford (Lester).
Here's a close-up version...

And here's one of Grandma and Papa, taken the same day...

This is just a small smattering of all the great pictures that were taken that day. Ah, memories!

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