Wednesday, December 08, 2021

307 Union Street Bangor Michigan

 The house I lived in when I was a small child was at 307 Union Street -- at the intersection of Union and Division -- Bangor, Michigan. 

We moved out of the house at the end of 1961 and, and it took my parents 10 years to sell it. Consequently, we always lived in rented houses after that, and my parents never bought another house until they retired.

I made a trip to Michigan in 1992 and took pictures of all the houses I had lived in growing up, in Bangor and Hartford. The house on Union street had been torn down and there was just an empty lot there. That was 30 years ago, and the lot is STILL empty. I wonder why. I wonder who owns it. I wonder if the fact that the house was haunted has anything to do with why there has never been another house built on that lot...

If it weren't for the awful Michigan winter weather, I'd be tempted to buy the lot myself and build a house there and live there...

(Btw, the house across the street is for sale. It belonged to Ashel and Marian Miller when we lived there. The house that's there now is apparently the same house, with just a few cosmetic changes.

Photo: The house at 310 Union street, now (for sale) and 60 years ago when we lived across the street. (That's my dad, leaning against the reason I won't live in Michigan now.)

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