Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Reunions album - Hicks family photos


In these photos are cousins Bess, Jack, Odelcie, Ruby, Viola, and Cleffie -- all grandchildren of  John Henry and Malisa Burns Hicks

Top Left: Kenneth and Gladys Wheetley. Kenneth is the brother of Bess Hicks Wheetley's husband, Record Wheetley. Bess is the daughter of Pinkney Hicks ("Uncle Pink"). 

Top Right: Bess Hicks Wheetley with her brother Jack and his wife 'Bill' (Floy).

Bottom Left: Everett and Odelcie Hicks Williams. Odelcie is the daughter of Felix Hicks. Everett is her husband.

Bottom Right: Ruby Hicks Barnett, Viola Hicks Solomon, Cleffie Hicks Burford. Ruby and Cleffie are the daughters of Ulysses Hicks. Viola is the daughter of Nancy Ellen ("Nannie") Hicks Sandefur.

Photo: John Henry Hicks and Malisa Evaline Burns Hicks

Photos: Hicks brothers Ulys, Felix, Pinkney, David. Their sister Nancy Ellen 'Nannie' Hicks Sandefur.

Photo: Pearl, Record, Kenneth, Dorisy Wheetley. Record Wheetley (top right) was married to Bess Hicks. His brother Kenneth is in the photo album page above, with his wife Gladys.

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