Sunday, December 12, 2021

Ancestry dot fun


Christmas 1996
Back: David, Oma Dell, Donald, Donna Kay. Front: Aaron, Mandy, Rick.
David and Donna are children of Oma Dell and Donald.
Aaron and Mandy are children of Donna and Rick.

Oma Dell is the daughter of my grandmother's (Cleffie) oldest sister Ruby.
Photo: Ulys and Annie with all their children plus Jack and Oma Dell. Jack and Ruby were married in 1926, and Oma Dell was born in 1928. This picture would have been taken in 1930 or 31. Ulys and Annie's last two children -- Bernice and Lowell -- were born after their granddaughter Oma Dell.

Photo: Ruby, Jack, Oma Dell

Oma Dell married Donald Hawley
Photo: Donald and Oma Dell with their first two children, Donna and Mike. (Danny and David came along later.)

Donna married Rick Waller
Photo: Donna and Rick with their two children Amanda (Mandy) and Aaron.

Photo: Ruby, Oma Dell, Donna, Aaron, Katelyn. Five generations.
I guess this picture would have been taken some time around 2000. Aaron was born in 1980 and Ruby died in 2004. I don't know for sure when Katelyn was born. She was Ruby's great-great-grandchild.

(Not many people can say they've met their own great-great-grandmother!)

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