Tuesday, December 07, 2021

And speaking of dolls

 Here is a picture of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks and a doll that she had. 

Here is what she wrote about it:

Some of my aunts, I never saw. I never saw Aunt Beckie or Aunt Tilda or Aunt Mary or Aunt Sarah. I remember Aunt Margaret made me a doll when I was about 3 years old. She made it while I was asleep and put it in front of me so I would see it when I awoke. I was prouder of it than kids would be now of a nice big bought doll for money was scarce then, if a man could get a day’s work at all it wouldn’t pay more than 40 cents a day. There wasn’t any such thing as buying toys. I doubt if they even had them in stores. 

Here is a picture of her aunt, Margaret Carter, who made the doll:
Margaret Emaline Carter Rhoades

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