Thursday, December 16, 2021

Christmas Eve

 We always spent Christmas Eve with my dad's family -- rotating from year to year between my grandparents' house and our house and Bernarde & Eileen's house.

Photo: Grandpa Thomas and me. This would have been around 1967, I think. Maybe the first year Bernarde & Eileen were in their new house on the lake. (Lake of the Woods, Decatur, Michigan)

Photo: Grandma & Grandpa Thomas, Mom, Eileen & Bernarde. The little tyke checking out the food would be my brother John.

Photo: Kim, Richard, Mick. Not sure if this is the same year as the first two pictures above or not.

Photo: Wathada, Eileen. This looks like the dining room of our house on Haver Street in Hartford. That would put it some time between 1969 and 1971.

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