Monday, October 04, 2021

October 4


Charles Russell Thomas 1905-1980

Russell was the son of Roy and Mabel Thomas.
Roy was a brother of my grandfather, Bill Thomas.
Photo: "Roy Thomas and family" - Roy and Mabel are on the right. I don't know for sure who the specific "family" members are. They had four children: Russell and 3 girls, Georgianna, Helen, and Ruth. The man in this picture could be Russell or the husband of one of the women. And I have no idea who the little boy is.

Russell married Marian Carroll
As far as I can tell, Russ and Marian had no children. According to my dad's family history notes:

Russell was a butcher and a farmer. He raised hogs and was a good friend of William Thomas his uncle. They made several hunting trips to northern Michigan for partridge... Marian was a teacher in the Bangor public schools for 27 years as an elementary teacher, and had taught for a total of 33 years. 

Russell was part-owner and operator with his father in Thomas and Son Grocery and Meats for many years. He was a veteran of World War II.

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