Thursday, October 21, 2021

October 21


Well now. Just a reminder that Renue is my Grandpa (Bill) Thomas's sister. Effie is another sister. Effie would have been 22 years old in 1912, and Renue would have been 19. (Bill would be 13.) Effie was married to Harry Wieland. They would have been married 2 years at this time. 

I don't know who Leslie is. Of the people I know about in the family there are two possibilities. One is the man Renue eventually married -- but not until 1920 -- whose name was Erwin Wells. His middle name was Leslie but I never heard anyone call him that. The other would be Leslie Leeth. I kind of doubt it would be him, because he would have been 28 years old at the time this postcard was sent. It's not impossible that Renue would have dated a man 9 years older than her, but I don't know. Also, Leslie Leeth always lived in Ohio, as far as I know, and Renue always lived in Michigan. The most likely possibility is that the Leslie referred to on this card was someone else altogether, someone unknown to me. I wish I knew.

"We are going auto riding to-night." Don't you just love it?

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