Saturday, October 23, 2021

October 23

Dear Renue

I got your card several days ago but alas, I couldn't come to the social without crossing the lake so I thot I wouldn't come. Oh what do I know about you and Ray and the fourth oh you are a dandy. I am having a dandy time here. Cecile L


Miss Renue Thomas

RFD #1

Bangor, Mich


Oak Park, Illinois

July 18, 1912

10:00 PM

postage: 1 cent

front of card: Pavilion, Garfield Park

This is another postcard to my dad's Aunt Renue (Grandpa Thomas' sister). She would have been 19 years old in 1912. I don't know who Cecile L is. And I don't know who Ray is. Don't you just wish you could go back in time and meet these people? 

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