Tuesday, October 19, 2021

October 19

This is not from the Thomas family postcards album. This is a postcard sent from Ulysses Hicks to Annie (Bertha Ann) Arnold on 15 December 1909. They were not married yet. Ulys and Annie were my great-grandparents. The photo on the front is Ulys on the left and Will Anderson on the right. I'm not sure who Will Anderson is, or whether he is related to our family or not. 

Ulys's message is written in pencil. The writing above and below it, in blue ink, was written by someone else -- maybe my grandmother (Cleffie), although it doesn't look like her handwriting. Could have been one of her sisters. They were all good about writing on the backs of the family pictures, so they can be identified. One of them (Irene, I think, or maybe Evalee) wrote on  the *front* of many of the pictures, with red ink. That seems taboo to me, to write on the front of a photograph. But since I've been curating the family photo archives, I have come to think it's not a bad thing at all -- in fact, it's VERY helpful. So bless her heart, whoever it was!

Here is a photograph of Ulys and Annie from about that same time period, shortly before they were married.

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