Monday, October 18, 2021

October 18


Beautiful cursive handwriting, huh?

"Have fished off this pier more than once. This is a very common sight here. This stream runs into the Atlantic. Lucretia" (I'm not sure what the word above Lucretia is.) 

Postmark is Fruitland Park, Florida, Dec 30 - I think it says 1911. One cent postage. Renue wasn't married yet. In 1911 she would have been about 18 years old. 

Notice how simple the address is: Bangor "West Bangor" Michigan. I so loved growing up in small towns like that, where the mailman didn't need any more information than that to know where to deliver the card. (And, btw, those towns are the same size now as they were when I grew up there. The world has changed, but in many ways they are still much the same as they were way back then.)

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