Friday, October 15, 2021

October 15

Okay, I'm getting bored and repetitive, so we're going to change it up a bit. Time to start looking through all the photo albums I've put together in the past 4 years (or more). And, just to be REALLY different, I'm going to start with the little album full of postcards that came with the Thomas family photos, mostly.

The first one is not a postcard, but a little Xmas card.

This came from Minnie and Frank Davis. As someone wrote on the back -- "cousin on the Ford side from N.Y. state". I don't have the envelope, so I'm not sure who it was sent to.

In this photo the woman 3rd from left is Minnie Davis, and the man on the far right is Frank Davis. The others are (L to R) Kate Adams, Nancy Thomas, Charlie Ford, Clifford Girard (standing), Hattie Girard, Roger Thomas (child), Charlie Thomas. Charlie Thomas was my great-grandfather, and Nancy Thomas was my great-grandmother.

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