Sunday, October 24, 2021

October 24

Thinking about putting together a book featuring the BACKS of some of the family photographs. What do you think?  Some of the stuff written on the backs of the pictures is pretty interesting. And most of the time I recognize the handwriting of whoever wrote the information. (Sometimes two or three people had a whole conversation on the back of a photograph!)

Apparently this is only half of the original photo. I didn't know that until I read the writing on the back. It seems that this picture had two women in it. Including the part that is scratched out in red ink, it says: "Minerva Arnold on the right, mother of Annie Hicks - Mrs. Tamsett on the left (midwife) Delivered Cleffie Hicks". That is Cleffie's handwriting (my grandmother). The first name "Sarah" is my handwriting. 

Our family history album for this branch of the family says that Amy Tamsett was the midwife who delivered Cleffie, but that is an error. Amy Tamsett was only 14 years old at the time of Cleffie's birth (1917). She was a daughter of Sarah Tamsett. Amy married John Martin Carter (a cousin of Annie's). Amy's sister Jessie Tamsett married George Ned Arnold (Annie's brother).

Here is a picture of Minerva Adaline ("Ma") Arnold. I wonder if it might have been the other half of the picture with Sarah Tamsett...

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