Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August 31


Thomas Henry Williams 1909-1947

Tom was the son of Albert and Charlotte ('Aunt Tot') Williams.
Aunt Tot was the sister of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks.
Photo: Ulysses and Annie Hicks, Tot and Albert Williams

Albert and Tot had five children: Albert Earl, Dorothy, Tom, Dona, and Charlene. Dona and Charlene died in childhood. Dorothy died at age 4 from being struck by lightning. Albert Earl grew up and married, and died at age 55. Tom died at age 38, having never married (as far as I know).

Here is a picture of Tom Williams with his cousin Ruby Hicks and some friends, with Tom's new car.
Photo: Luther Sparcer, Violet Mobley, Tom Williams, Ruby Hicks. 1926.

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