Sunday, August 01, 2021

August 01


Martha Elizabeth Evans Byrd 1860-?

Martha Elizabeth -- called "Lizza" -- is on the left, Adaline Carter Arnold on the right. 

Adaline Carter Arnold was my great-great-grandmother, mother of Annie Arnold Hicks. Lizza and Adaline were half-sisters. Lizza's mother, Jane Evans, married Adaline's father, Ned Jonas Carter. Ned already had 3 children from his 1st wife, and Jane had 2 children from her first husband -- Martha Elizabeth and Josiah Marion Evans -- when they married. They went on to have eight more children.

Martha Elizabeth Evans married Russ Byrd, and they had 3 children: Martin, Oscro, and Ethel.
(Birth records for the oldest son list him as "Jas Martin A. Byrd". I don't know if Jas is an abbreviation for 'James' or not, and I don't know if he was called James or Jas or Martin...)

Photo: Etta Arnold and cousin Ethel Byrd

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