Friday, August 20, 2021

August 20

 Sorry this is so late. I got so caught up in researching the Naftzger and Hurlbut families that I ran out of time.


Nina Katherine Naftzger Hurlbut 1895-1971

Photo: Cecil Myrick Hurlbut and his wife Nina Katherine Naftzger

Nina's father, Jay Dow Naftzger. I don't have a picture of her mother.

Sisters Vera and Nina Naftzger

Vera Naftzger and her husband George Low

Cecil Myrick Hurlbut is related to the Thomas family. His mother was Etta Eunice Thomas, who married Myrick Henry Hurlbut.
Photo: Etta and Myrick Hurlbut, children Ethelyn and Cecil.

Etta Thomas was the sister of my great-grandfather Charles Thomas

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