Wednesday, August 18, 2021

August 18


Mildred Jewell Arnold married James Everett Garrett 1939
Photo: Mildred Jewell Arnold. I don't have a picture of James Everett Garrett.

Mildred was a first cousin of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford. She was one of  'Uncle George's girls'
Photo: Uncle George's girls. L to R: Mildred, Arbie, Verlie, Opie, Wilma, Joan, Obie. (This was George's first family with his 1st wife Jessie Tamsett. The oldest child was a boy, Amos, who died of typhoid fever at age 7. George had another son and four more daughters with his second wife, Eula Mae Burnett.)

Mildred and Everett Garrett had six children: Eva Jane, Jimmy Wayne, Betty Ann, Oma Jean, Darlene, and Steven. Darlene died at birth. Steven died the day after his birth. Jimmy Wayne died at age 16 in a car accident. Eva Jane died at age 44 of cancer. As far as I know Betty Ann and Oma Jean are still living.

Mildred and Everett both died in 1966:


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